Despite the title of this post possibly suggesting so, I’m not much of a nostalgic person. In fact, if this article were focused on the topic of nostalgia, it would very likely be critical and step on toes and be some sort of analytical downer. Maybe there will be a time for that, but not so now. Now, there is a board game to be talked about. Amusingly, I’m also not much of a board game person, having no recollection of the last time I even played one. Yet here I am, next to me the glossy cardboard box which has given […]
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Been a while…
…since I wrote a new post, yet that timeframe is dwarfed by how long it took me to revisit what I’ll be talking about. Which, at the time of writing, has already happened over a year ago and… well, maybe that’s enough talk about time. We all know it’s flying by and that feeling of being trapped in a perpetual cycle of trying to catch up. If this blog post does only one thing for you, then I hope it’s reassuring you that it’s never too late to pick something up again, even after putting it down over two […]
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